Land Of Lost Monsters Part 1


by ACT8113

Land Of Lost Monsters (© By BBC, Discovery Channel and Animal Planet. i Do Not Own Anything of the Video)

originally reuploaded on zippcast November 12th 2015

This documentary was the first ancient history documentary that made me tear up. But that aside, it was an American documentary based on the BBC's 3 part series Monsters We Met, the story in short. However the documentary had very little air time and only few dvd copies sold. It was when i first heard an article on the Lost Media Wiki (The article listed here - ) that i remembered buying a copy back in 2014.

OLD ACCOUNT Twitter images of my Dvd copy -

Google Plus Post of a small clip that couldn't get ripped for some reason -

NOTE: That this film has clips that couldn't be ripped and the one clip in the google post post was recorded with the Trial Verion of Bandicam.

(Download link -!YAEBXZqK!RD8_2DX77Q3gGMDEGhD4Rb8vSw5LnH-Iu95tvKQDLt4 )