Pumpkin Bird Feeder

  • 8 years ago
Create this festive pumpkin bird feeder with your kids this fall. It's also a good way to recycle those old 2-liter bottles. Place them in your back yard and have

Items Needed:
• 2 – 2-liter bottles
• Orange paint
• Green paint
• X-acto knife
• Dowel
• Drill
• Ribbon
• Glue
1. Cut the bottom of one bottle 2” tall
2. Cut the other bottom 4” tall
3. Drill two small holes in the taller piece to string ribbon through
4. Insert the longer piece in to the short piece
5. Drill holes for perch
6. Cut out a 1 ½” hole on each side for the birds to get to the food
7. Cut a leaf shape out of the left over plastic
8. Paint leaf and dowel green
9. Paint the two pieces orange to create plastic pumpkin
10. Once dry assemble: add ribbon, glue on leaf, push the two pieces together, add dowel, add bird feed