
  • 16 years ago
Though presently in ruins, Tughlaqabad Fort manages to evoke awe and admiration among the tourists and curious onlookers. Even in its state of ruin, the erstwhile might and glory of the remnants of this fort-city is very much evident. Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq, who founded the Tughlaq Dynasty, built this majestic fort. Spread over a vast area, this piece of architecture is a symbol of magnificence and glory of the Sultanate era. However, this amazing creation had a pragmatic purpose. The fort-city was constructed to save the Tughlaq Empire from the prowling Mongols. It also served as the capital of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq.

The construction of the fort started in the year 1321 and it took only four years to give fruition to this mighty enterprise. In 1325 the fort was completely built. The fabulous fortifications, brilliant battlements, ravishing ramparts and bulky bastions draw a vivid picture of the vision and craftsmanship of the architects and artisans of those days.

The fort is somewhat octagonal in shape, with a border of about 6.5 kms. The fort’s ramparts are around 10 – 15 meters high with gateways and fortresses at intervals. The ruined fort-city houses Ghiyas-ud-din’s tomb. It is a tragedy that Tughlaqabad Fort was abandoned soon after its completion, in 1327AD. None other than his son Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq was instrumental in this move; on ascending the throne on the death of his father, he build his new capital city called Jahanpanah. But the abandoned fort-city still continues to dominate the landscape of Delhi, after so many centuries…
