• 9 years ago
Voodoo Man (1944)
Approved | 1h 2min | Crime, Drama, Horror | 21 February 1944 (USA)

Dr. Richard Marlowe uses a combination of voodoo rite and hypnotic suggestion, attempting to revive his beautiful, but long-dead, wife, by transferring the life essences of several hapless young girls he has kidnapped and imprisoned in the dungeon beneath his mansion.

Director: William Beaudine

Writer: Robert Charles (story and screenplay)

Stars: Bela Lugosi, John Carradine, George Zucco
00:01:11Okay, I'll go.
00:01:16Yes miss?
00:01:17Will you please tell me,
00:01:18is this the right road to Twin Falls?
00:01:20That's right.
00:01:22You're a stranger in this part of the country, aren't you?
00:01:25Well, sort of.
00:01:27You keep right on going until you come to a fork in the road.
00:01:29That's about four miles from here.
00:01:31Then turn right.
00:01:33There may be a detour sign between here and there.
00:01:35They've been fixing the road.
00:01:37Well, thank you.
00:01:38You're welcome.
00:01:52All right Sam, you can close up.
00:01:53Okay, thank you sir.
00:02:08Hello, yes listen.
00:02:10A young girl just left here.
00:02:14About a minute ago.
00:02:16I'll be right over.
00:03:34Don't be frightened, we won't hurt you.
00:04:24Did you send for me, S.K.?
00:04:25Oh, yes, yes.
00:04:28Ah, this news item about missing girls ought to work out.
00:04:31An interesting story.
00:04:33Kind of a horror picture, you know.
00:04:37But S.K., I'm supposed to get two weeks off.
00:04:39I'm going to get married.
00:04:40Oh, that's right, I forgot all about it.
00:04:42I'm sorry, skip it.
00:04:43I'll get one of the other boys to tackle it.
00:04:45Well, if you're in no hurry, I could knock it out when I got back.
00:04:47Oh, we'll see.
00:04:49In the meanwhile, give it some thought.
00:04:51Okay, bye-bye.
00:04:55Hey, wait a minute.
00:04:57That's a fine thing to be doing on my honeymoon.
00:04:59Thinking of horror stories.
00:05:07Good evening.
00:05:08Nice weather we're having for this time of year.
00:05:10Give me six gallons, please.
00:05:11Six gallons?
00:05:13Gee, that's two coupons.
00:05:14Sides the money.
00:05:15That's okay.
00:05:16Put it in.
00:05:17Just you say.
00:05:18Don't want to run out of gas.
00:05:20Ain't another gas station this side of Twin Falls.
00:05:23Oh, is that so?
00:05:25Gee, your windshield's sort of dirty.
00:05:27Shall I check your water and oil?
00:05:34Well, I guess it's better anyhow.
00:05:43Here's your water.
00:05:45You're welcome.
00:05:46You're welcome.
00:05:47You're welcome.
00:05:48Oh, no, no, no.
00:05:49No, no, no.
00:05:50Oh, good.
00:05:51I'll be right back.
00:05:52Here you are.
00:05:54Oh, that's all.
00:05:55That's all.
00:05:56It's okay, I guess.
00:06:11How much do I owe you?
00:06:13Oh, I'm checking your tires.
00:06:14Never mind that. Here.
00:06:15How about your bathroom?
00:06:17It's okay.
00:06:18Listen, I got some classic car polish.
00:06:20Only 50 cents a can.
00:06:21I use it myself.
00:06:22I show you what I'm talking about,
00:06:23and you're selling it.
00:06:25it myself. I'll show you. No. Okay. Hey, wait a minute. Keep the change.
00:06:35Darn fool, you didn't even give me a chance to put the gas in.
00:06:55Well, what do you know? Empty. That guy sure pulled a fast one on me.
00:07:12I'll go. Yes, miss?
00:07:16Can you tell me if I'm on the right road to Twin Falls?
00:07:19Yes. You're a stranger in this part of the country, aren't you?
00:07:22Yes, I haven't been this way in some time.
00:07:24Well, you keep right on going until you come to a fork in the road.
00:07:27It's about four miles from here. Then you turn right.
00:07:30There may be a detour sign between here and there.
00:07:33They've been fixing the road. All right. Thanks.
00:07:47Sam. Yes, sir?
00:07:49Go and check the meters, will you? Okay.
00:07:59Doctor? Not the young girl just left here. Alone. Very suitable.
00:08:05Yes, I'll be right over.
00:08:20Boy, am I glad to see you. What seems to be the trouble?
00:08:23I ran out of gas. I was just trying to make up my mind whether I should hike back five miles
00:08:27and punch a guy in the nose or camp here for the night.
00:08:30I don't suppose you'd like to... Tow you back five miles?
00:08:33Uh-uh. I'm in a hurry. But I will take you to the nearest gas station this direction.
00:08:36Lady, I'll take you up on that.
00:08:44You picked a bad spot to run out of gas. Oh, I didn't pick it.
00:08:48It was a sap in the service station back there picked it for me.
00:08:51I paid him for six gallons of gas and all I got was a barbershop monologue.
00:08:55I remember that place. I stopped there to ask my way.
00:08:57Were you a stranger around here? Practically. I haven't been this way in years.
00:09:00Down here on a vacation? Not exactly. I've been drafted.
00:09:04For a wedding. I'm made of honor.
00:09:07Whose wedding? My cousin, Betty Benton.
00:09:10She's marrying some sap from Hollywood, a scenario writer or something like that from one of the studios.
00:09:14You must be Stella Saunders. That's right. How did you know?
00:09:17Oh, Betty's mentioned you several times. You know Betty?
00:09:20Uh-huh. Do you know the sap she's marrying?
00:09:23Oh, yes. I shave him every morning. You shave?
00:09:26Oh. Meet the sap, Ralph Dawson.
00:09:30I'm really terribly sorry. I honestly didn't mean it.
00:09:33That's all right. Skip it.
00:09:48The motor's gone dead.
00:09:50Now, don't tell me you're out of gas, too.
00:09:52No, I have plenty of gas.
00:10:09You're a fool.
00:10:12You're a fool.
00:10:15Fool. She's not alone.
00:10:18Well, the battery's all right. I'll take a look.
00:10:28Wait a minute.
00:10:41That's all right.
00:10:46Find anything?
00:10:49No, not yet.
00:10:53I never was much of a mechanic.
00:10:56That's all right to me.
00:11:01Well, I give up. I can't find the trouble.
00:11:04Maybe it's the switch.
00:11:11No. I don't know.
00:11:14I know.
00:11:19Well, we can't stay here all night.
00:11:22No. Oh, there's a house over there.
00:11:25I'll see if they have a telephone. Now, sit tight.
00:11:28All right.
00:11:34Now, drink her to me.
00:11:45Gee, you're pretty.
00:11:50Don't hurt her if they call. She's a pretty one.
00:12:35Now, how do you do? I wonder if I...
00:12:38The doctor is not in.
00:12:40Well, it isn't that serious. You see, I just want to come in...
00:12:43and visit her. I just want to use the phone.
00:12:45The telephone is out of order.
00:12:47Oh, that's bad. Oh, I wonder if you could tell me where I could find one.
00:12:53I have a good mind to report to the Chamber of Commerce.
00:13:11Don't be scared. No one's going to hurt you.
00:13:19Very good. You might go...
00:13:22and tell Nicholas to make the preparations.
00:13:25Yes, Master. Yes, sir.
00:13:29Just what is this?
00:13:33I must apologize...
00:13:35for receiving a guest like this.
00:13:40What is this, a joke or something?
00:13:43Let me out of here.
00:13:47I'm afraid...
00:13:49that is quite impossible.
00:13:56I need you.
00:14:00You need me?
00:14:04What for?
00:14:09I'll show you.
00:14:12Don't be afraid.
00:14:14Just follow me.
00:14:26Evelyn, my dear.
00:14:28I brought a young lady to help you.
00:14:30Miss, uh...
00:14:32Saunders. Stella Saunders.
00:14:35Yes. My wife.
00:14:40This young lady may be able to help you.
00:14:45Is your wife ill?
00:14:50She's very ill.
00:14:56She's dead.
00:15:03She has been dead for 22 years.
00:15:07How can she be dead, then?
00:15:10She's dead only in the sense that you understand that word.
00:15:15I'm on the threshold of bringing her back...
00:15:18to complete life.
00:15:20You may be able to help.
00:15:26What do you want of me?
00:15:29Your will to live.
00:15:32Your mind.
00:15:34Oh, no. No.
00:15:39Don't look at me like that.
00:15:42Come with me.
00:15:51What kind of a gag is this?
00:16:00What, Alec, huh?
00:16:07Go in there and wait.
00:16:10Go in there and wait.
00:16:27Fix that gal if I ever catch up with her.
00:16:40Come on.
00:17:24What's the matter, Ralph? You don't look very pleased to see me.
00:17:27Oh, it isn't that, honey. It's that cousin of yours.
00:17:30I suppose she told you about the cute trick she played on me.
00:17:33Who, Stella?
00:17:36Yes, Stella. Where is she? I'll tell her a thing or two.
00:17:39I don't know. She hasn't arrived yet.
00:17:42She hasn't? No. That's funny. What's funny?
00:17:45Say, what's all this about, and where did you meet Stella?
00:17:48On the way here. Run out of gas. Who, Stella? No, me.
00:17:51She picked me up and then faked something wrong with her car.
00:17:54I went to her phone, came back, and she was gone. Left me flat.
00:17:57I had to walk two miles to get a gallon of gas to start my car.
00:18:00Oh, you think that's funny, do you?
00:18:03Well, it's the first time I ever heard of a man having to walk home from an automobile ride.
00:18:06Oh, that's rich. Good for Stella.
00:18:09What's good for Stella? Right now, a good paddling would be very good for Stella.
00:18:12Hello, Mama. Hello, Ralph. What happened?
00:18:15I don't know. Ass-giggling gertie there. I've got to clean up.
00:18:23Something must have happened to her. I think we ought to call the police.
00:18:26Oh, I wouldn't do that yet, Mother. She may have had a flat tire.
00:18:29She might have run out of gas. I hope.
00:18:32Just exactly where did you... I mean, where did she leave you?
00:18:35About ten miles from here on Laurel Road. Are you sure it was Stella?
00:18:38Certainly. She told me who she was and where she was going.
00:18:41And she told me that her cousin was marrying a Hollywood sap.
00:18:44She said that? She certainly did. Well, I like that.
00:18:47Just for that, I hope she has two flat tires. Good girl.
00:18:50I'm going to call the police. The same thing may have happened to her that happened to those other girls.
00:18:54What other girls? Three girls completely disappeared in the last few months without leaving any trace.
00:18:58Wait a minute. Did that happen near here?
00:19:01Yes. Didn't you read about it? Oh, sure.
00:19:04Nicholas wanted me to do a story around it.
00:19:07Gee, looks like I've written myself right into it. Say, what are you talking about?
00:19:10Your mother's right. Come on, Betty. Get your hat.
00:19:13Oh, if she shows up while we're gone, call us at the Sheriff's office. Come on.
00:19:26It must succeed this time, Nicholas. It must.
00:19:30It will.
00:19:32We've had what you do to the subjects. They were not the right ones.
00:19:35But remember, Rambuna is all-powerful.
00:19:40Yes. Yes, I know.
00:19:45Toby, get in the zombies. Yes, Master.
00:19:48Maureen, bring in my dear wife. Yes, Master.
00:19:51All right, pretty ladies.
00:20:06I've got a nice surprise for you.
00:20:09You're all going for a nice walk.
00:20:12Come on. All come out.
00:20:15Come on.
00:20:17Come on.
00:20:19Come on. All come out.
00:20:22That's it. The Master wants to see you.
00:20:25Follow me.
00:20:31Come on. The Master's waiting for you.
00:20:34We're going to have another pretty ceremony. Hurry up.
00:20:44Sit right there, now, pretty.
00:20:49Turn around and look at the other one.
00:21:19All right.
00:22:19Come on.
00:24:10To death.
00:24:18To death.
00:24:26To death.
00:24:28To death.
00:24:49What is...
00:24:51Evelyn, darling.
00:24:58How did I...
00:25:00You are alive again.
00:25:03How did I get here?
00:25:05I have brought you back to me, my darling.
00:25:09Now we're together again.
00:25:12Together again.
00:25:17Together again.
00:25:26You can't leave me.
00:25:29Don't leave me.
00:25:33No, you must.
00:25:50He failed again.
00:25:52Doctor, she was not the right subject.
00:25:57Somewhere there must be a girl with a perfect affinity.
00:26:04I must find her.
00:26:06I must find her.
00:26:10When I got back to the car, there was no car, no Stella, no nothing.
00:26:13Maybe she got tired waiting and just drove away.
00:26:15Drove away where?
00:26:17Wherever she was going.
00:26:18But she was going to Betty's house.
00:26:19Well, did you look for her there?
00:26:21Of course, we just came from there.
00:26:22And she's not there?
00:26:25Well, where do you think she is then?
00:26:27Well, that's what we want you to find out.
00:26:29You know, this is getting a little monotonous.
00:26:31This is the fourth time in the last couple of months
00:26:33a girl's disappeared around here.
00:26:35What did you do about it?
00:26:37Nothing, except kept looking for them.
00:26:40Still looking for the other three.
00:26:42Sheriff, this is terrible.
00:26:43Yes, it is.
00:26:44Sheriff's job in this county used to be a cinch.
00:26:46Now it's a pain in the neck.
00:26:49Well, let's write it down.
00:26:51Where did you see her last?
00:26:53She was about 10 miles out of town on Laurel Road,
00:26:55right by the road close sign.
00:26:57We just turned off on the detour.
00:26:59What road close sign?
00:27:01There ain't any road close sign or detour on Laurel Road.
00:27:04Of course there is.
00:27:05No, there ain't.
00:27:07I just came over that road not two hours ago.
00:27:09But I tell you that there is.
00:27:11Say, wait a minute.
00:27:12After I got gas from my car, I drove over that road again.
00:27:15Come to think of it, I didn't see any sign there either.
00:27:17Ralph, are you sure you're all right?
00:27:19Sure you didn't have a couple of cocktails too many
00:27:21and imagined the whole thing?
00:27:22Certainly not.
00:27:23We turned off on the detour about 200 yards
00:27:25from an old two-story house.
00:27:26It's the only one for miles.
00:27:28You must mean the old Johnson house,
00:27:29where there's a Dr. Martin or Moreland
00:27:31or something like that living there now.
00:27:33What did he say?
00:27:35I didn't see him.
00:27:36I hardly got my nose in the door.
00:27:37I hear he's a peculiar old duck.
00:27:39Well, OK.
00:27:41I'll drive over there and see what I can find out.
00:27:44You want us to go with you?
00:27:46Reckon me and Elmer don't need any help.
00:27:48We've been looking for the other three all by ourselves.
00:27:51Guess we can handle one more.
00:27:53Sheriff, what do you want us to do?
00:27:54Go on home to bed.
00:27:55If I get any news, I'll phone you.
00:27:57Go on. Go on.
00:27:58Good night.
00:27:59OK, good night, Sheriff.
00:28:00Good night.
00:28:04Come on, Elmer.
00:28:08You won't be, Sheriff.
00:28:09Yeah, we're going for a little ride.
00:28:11Now, Sheriff, my old lady ain't going like this.
00:28:14That's too bad.
00:28:15Well, every time I tell her I'm going to be home early,
00:28:18then you figure out somewhere for me to go.
00:28:25Hey, Sheriff, uh, what do you expect
00:28:27to find out at the doctor's house?
00:28:29Never can tell.
00:28:31Might find their girl's automobile in the living room.
00:28:34Oh, now, what would he be doing with an automobile
00:28:37in the living room?
00:28:38How should I know what anybody would be doing
00:28:41with an automobile in the living room?
00:28:46What are you doing, Doctor?
00:28:48I'm gradually increasing the intensity of this race.
00:28:53But how long will it take?
00:28:55It's hard to say.
00:28:58A sudden bright light will disintegrate her.
00:29:05Elmer, I think I'd better go in alone.
00:29:07You take a look around the ground and see what you can find.
00:29:10Well, now, what'll I look for?
00:29:12The girl's automobile?
00:29:13Well, now, what'll I look for?
00:29:14The girl or the car?
00:29:17Oh, all right, Sheriff.
00:29:26I'll answer it myself.
00:29:44How do you do?
00:29:45How do you do?
00:29:46Dr. Martin?
00:29:47Marlowe is my name.
00:29:48Oh, Dr. Marlowe.
00:29:50I'm the Sheriff.
00:29:51Don't let that frighten you.
00:29:52He doesn't.
00:29:53May I see you a moment?
00:29:55Oh, certainly.
00:29:57Please, step in.
00:30:14Nice, cheerful place you've got here.
00:30:17We use very little light in the house.
00:30:19My eyes aren't as they shouldn't be.
00:30:21Oh, yes, yes, I see.
00:30:23Will you be seated, please?
00:30:28May I offer you a little drink, perhaps?
00:30:30Oh, yes, thank you, Doctor.
00:30:32I don't mind if I do.
00:30:34Excuse me.
00:30:37Oh, yes, thank you, Doctor.
00:30:38I don't mind if I do.
00:30:39Excuse me.
00:30:40Oh, yes, thank you, Doctor.
00:30:41I don't mind if I do.
00:31:05Quick, take my wife to the cellar.
00:31:07It's the Sheriff.
00:31:08He might want to look around the house.
00:31:10Yes, Doctor.
00:31:31I'm sure you'll be like this.
00:31:34It's a very old sheriff.
00:31:38Nothing like good old sheriff.
00:31:40My favorite wine.
00:31:50To your health.
00:31:59Now what can I do for you, Sheriff?
00:32:01You may be able to give me some information.
00:32:03Oh, I would be delighted if I can.
00:32:05Was there a detour sign lately on the highway?
00:32:09I don't know.
00:32:10Are they repairing the road?
00:32:12No, that's just it.
00:32:13The road's okay.
00:32:15Why should there be any sign?
00:32:17There shouldn't.
00:32:19This is all very confusing to me, Sheriff.
00:32:22You're telling me.
00:32:38So, I can't figure it out.
00:32:41Maybe it's a prank of some schoolboys.
00:32:43Yeah, I doubt that.
00:32:49Excuse me, Sheriff.
00:32:59Did they get everything ready, Doctor?
00:33:00As another.
00:33:02Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:33:03I see that you get your check.
00:33:07I will call you back.
00:33:09I'm so busy with the Sheriff.
00:33:13No, no, no, it's not serious at all.
00:33:15Just a friendly visit.
00:33:27What were we talking about, Sheriff?
00:33:29Oh yes, the signs on the road.
00:33:32That's just part of it.
00:33:33I'm really looking for some young girls
00:33:35who have disappeared lately in this vicinity.
00:33:38Don't say.
00:33:39Yeah, has he heard any screams?
00:33:41Seen anything suspicious around here?
00:33:43No, not that I remember.
00:33:46I'm quite off the road.
00:33:49Yeah, that's right.
00:33:50You take care of her.
00:33:51I'm gonna go see how the young ladies are.
00:33:57If there's anything else I can do to help you,
00:34:00please call me.
00:34:01Thank you, Doctor.
00:34:04Oh, uh, thanks for the Sheriff.
00:34:07Oh, you're quite welcome, Sheriff.
00:34:17I just came down to see how you are.
00:34:19You look awful pretty.
00:34:24You're the new one here, aren't you?
00:34:27You're the prettiest one we've got.
00:34:28You mustn't come out any further.
00:34:30You shouldn't come out at all.
00:34:31If the Master knew you were coming out, he'd beat me.
00:34:34I just came down to talk to you.
00:34:36Gosh, you've got nice pretty hair.
00:34:38Nobody ever talks to me.
00:34:40The Master won't talk to me.
00:34:42He doesn't talk to anybody except when he's angry.
00:34:47I wish you could look at me.
00:34:49Your eyes look so funny.
00:34:51You don't know me, do you?
00:34:54All right, he's gone.
00:34:55What did he want?
00:34:57What did he say about the girl?
00:34:58Yes, yes, he was very inquisitive.
00:34:59Did he suspect anything?
00:35:00No, I don't think so.
00:35:02What did he say?
00:35:04He said he liked my shabby very much.
00:35:07Now, oh, I hear the Master.
00:35:09You'd better get back in.
00:35:11The Master would be very mad if he knew you was out.
00:35:13Oh, shh, don't tell him now, because he'd beat me.
00:35:20Evelyn, darling, you're so near to success.
00:35:27We will try it again, the last subject.
00:35:31Perhaps they could decide.
00:35:35I will summon Nicholas.
00:36:15Bring the last subject in again.
00:36:17Yes, Master.
00:36:33That's funny.
00:36:34It works backwards.
00:36:36Oh, I must have left it open.
00:36:40She's not there.
00:36:42She must be somewhere else.
00:36:43Oh, she's not there either.
00:36:45There's only one here.
00:36:49She must have gone away.
00:36:51She must have gone away.
00:36:52Oh, the Master will be angry.
00:36:54He'll beat me.
00:36:55You mean you mustn't tell him, Greco.
00:36:56I've got to tell him.
00:36:57Oh, please don't tell him, Greco.
00:36:58Please don't tell him.
00:36:59He'll beat me.
00:37:01I'll give you anything I've got if you won't tell him.
00:37:03Honest, I will.
00:37:04Please don't tell him, Greco.
00:37:05Please don't tell him.
00:37:07Don't tell him what?
00:37:10She's gone.
00:37:12Yes, Master.
00:37:13But I didn't do it.
00:37:14I didn't do it.
00:37:15I didn't do it.
00:37:20Go and find her, or I'll kill you.
00:37:24Yes, Master.
00:37:27Hey, yes, Master.
00:37:34Hey, Sheriff, look up ahead.
00:37:39Gosh, old fishhooks.
00:37:41Stop the car, Elmer.
00:37:42Stop the car.
00:37:43Hey, a sleepwalker.
00:37:45A darn pretty one, too.
00:37:47Looks more like she's hypnotized.
00:37:49We'd better get her in the car and rush her to a hospital.
00:37:52Do you suppose she's the girl that the Bentons was looking for?
00:37:55Might be.
00:37:56We'll stop at the Benton home on the way.
00:37:58Ah, yes.
00:38:00Ah, yes.
00:38:01I knew it.
00:38:03Come on, let's go see what's going on.
00:38:06Come on.
00:38:07No way.
00:38:10No way.
00:38:12Come on.
00:38:13Come on.
00:38:17I told you, I told you.
00:38:28Honey, it's Stella.
00:38:32Come in.
00:38:35What's the idea of the strange outfit?
00:38:36Stella, what happened?
00:38:37Yes, where'd you disappear to?
00:38:38We found her walking on the road.
00:38:39Sort of thought she might be the missing girl.
00:38:41She is.
00:38:42Well, looks to me like she's been walking in her sleep.
00:38:44Let's not stand here.
00:38:45Come on, we'll call a doctor.
00:38:52Nicholas, we must find her.
00:38:54Whatever we do, we must find the girl.
00:38:58I found out where she is.
00:39:00Come, I'll show you.
00:39:10Stella, honey, it's Betty.
00:39:11What in the world could have happened to her?
00:39:14She looks so strange.
00:39:16Look at her eyes.
00:39:17She's just staring.
00:39:19She doesn't look like she's staring.
00:39:22This doesn't have any effect on her at all.
00:39:24Well, I guess we'll be going.
00:39:25There's nothing more we can do.
00:39:27We're very grateful to you, Sarah.
00:39:28That's all right.
00:39:29Let me know what the doctor says.
00:39:30We'll do that.
00:39:31Come on, Elmer.
00:39:32We're going for another ride.
00:39:33Another one?
00:39:34Yes, maybe we'll run into the other three girls.
00:39:36Well, our old lady ain't going to like it.
00:39:41If you want us, you can count on us.
00:39:43We'll be back.
00:39:44We'll be back.
00:39:45We'll be back.
00:39:46We'll be back.
00:39:47We'll be back.
00:39:48We'll be back.
00:39:49We'll be back.
00:39:50If you want us, you can call us at the office.
00:39:52Thank you, Sheriff.
00:39:56Good evening.
00:39:58I understand you have a girl here suffering from some strange malady.
00:40:02Why, it's Dr. Marlow.
00:40:05Good evening, Sheriff.
00:40:07Hello, Doctor.
00:40:08This is Benton, Dr. Marlow.
00:40:10The doctor lives in the neighborhood.
00:40:12Well, perhaps he could tell us what's the matter with Stella.
00:40:14You sort of specialize in these cases, don't you, Doctor?
00:40:17Well, I have made a study of these ailments.
00:40:21Would you mind if I would examine the girl?
00:40:23I wish you would.
00:40:24Good night, Sheriff.
00:40:25Good night, Mrs. Benton.
00:40:26Good night, Doctor.
00:40:27Good night, Sheriff.
00:40:28Excuse me.
00:40:32What do you make of this, Ralph?
00:40:34I don't know.
00:40:35I can't figure it out.
00:40:36She doesn't seem to be suffering any pain.
00:40:39That's something.
00:40:42You know, she looks like a person that's in a trance.
00:40:44Yes, doesn't she?
00:40:46That outfit she's wearing, where in the world did she get it?
00:40:48Search me.
00:40:49Last time I saw her, she had on a sort of a greenish suit.
00:40:52You know, I've seen people act like that in pictures.
00:40:56What do they call them, zombies or something?
00:40:58Now, now, honey, there aren't any such people.
00:41:00That's only a scenario writer's nightmare.
00:41:02I know.
00:41:03I wrote one once.
00:41:05Come in, Doctor.
00:41:11This is my daughter Betty and Mr. Dawson, Dr. Marlow.
00:41:13How do you do?
00:41:14How do you do?
00:41:15This is my niece.
00:41:46She doesn't seem to be suffering.
00:41:48No, she isn't.
00:41:54Did she have these spells before?
00:41:56Not to my knowledge.
00:41:57Where do you suppose could cause a thing like this?
00:41:59Well, several things.
00:42:01A sudden shock, mental illness, anemia, et cetera.
00:42:05Is there anything we can do?
00:42:06Yes, you must be very careful.
00:42:08Otherwise, she might become permanently affected.
00:42:11But we can't just let her lie.
00:42:13That is just what you should do.
00:42:14Rest and quiet is all she needs.
00:42:16Would you advise sending her to a hospital?
00:42:18Definitely not.
00:42:19She's in no immediate danger, but she must be left alone.
00:42:23She might become excited.
00:42:25Well, it was very nice of you to come in, Dr. Marlow.
00:42:28Any other physician would have done it.
00:42:30If you wish me to, I can drop in tomorrow.
00:42:32Oh, please do.
00:42:38Did you notice her reaction to the doctor
00:42:40when he came in the room?
00:42:42As a matter of fact, I did.
00:42:44I wonder if there could be any connection between him and...
00:42:51Doctor, was it the girl?
00:42:54Do they suspect anything?
00:42:55Of course not.
00:42:56I'm sure of it.
00:42:57I'm sure of it.
00:42:58I'm sure of it.
00:42:59I'm sure of it.
00:43:00I'm sure of it.
00:43:01I'm sure of it.
00:43:02I'm sure of it.
00:43:03I'm sure of it.
00:43:04I'm sure of it.
00:43:05I'm sure of it.
00:43:06Did they suspect anything?
00:43:07Of course not.
00:43:08As you must act quickly and bring her back here before they do.
00:43:12Summon the men.
00:43:19Nicholas, we have found her.
00:43:22Now we have to get her back.
00:43:37She Begins To Speak.
00:43:40She Begins To Speak.
00:43:48She Begins To Speak.
00:43:56She is responding.
00:43:57She Begins To Speak.
00:44:06You'll be the quick, quick, um, talac,
00:44:08oh, niah, gonah, hasah, niah, oh, rum, oh, niah, you'll see.
00:44:14Oh, my gosh, take a look.
00:44:16Ah, oh, niah, oh, quick, oh, manah, see,
00:44:19oh, nah, that's a old woman in here.
00:44:22Manah, see, no, but I, quick, we are not a song, man.
00:44:26Quick, quick, we are not a song, man.
00:44:29Ah, ah, you'll see.
00:44:33She's almost here.
00:44:35Go get her.
00:44:56You bad girl.
00:44:58You're a very naughty girl.
00:44:59You know you shouldn't have left.
00:45:01I told you you shouldn't go.
00:45:05You'll be the quick, quick, um, talac, oh, odiah,
00:45:09oh, woman, oh, talac.
00:45:18Goodnight, now.
00:45:20Mmm, papohieco.
00:45:22Oh, no, that's the only.
00:45:23Oh, man, yeah, Hoson.
00:45:35Aster, she's here.
00:45:39Well done, dear Nicholas.
00:45:43Well done.
00:45:45Rambuna never fails.
00:45:55Stella. Stella.
00:46:18I just can't imagine such a thing.
00:46:21Did you look in the...
00:46:22Yes, I looked everywhere. There wasn't a sign of her.
00:46:25We shouldn't have left her alone.
00:46:27But Dr. Marlow said she'd be all right.
00:46:29Yes, I know.
00:46:30It's just what I'm thinking about right now.
00:46:33Let me try and figure this out.
00:46:35But Ralph, why are we coming here?
00:46:37Now, never mind. I'll tell you later.
00:46:45Ah, good morning.
00:46:46Good morning, doctor.
00:46:47How is the patient feeling? Better, I hope.
00:46:49That's why we're here. She's gone.
00:46:52Gone? Are you sure?
00:46:55Completely disappeared.
00:46:56Then visit, notify the sheriff.
00:46:58We've already done that.
00:47:02Come inside, please, and tell me all about it.
00:47:09Please, be seated.
00:47:13Now tell me, just what happened?
00:47:15Well, I... I don't exactly know.
00:47:18I went into her room this morning and she was gone.
00:47:20She just vanished.
00:47:22I should have warned you to watch her while she was in that condition.
00:47:26Well, do you think she could have just wandered off like someone walking in their sleep?
00:47:29Yes, that's possible.
00:47:31I have known cases like that.
00:47:33My own wife was subject to such spells.
00:47:37That is she.
00:47:41She's very beautiful.
00:47:47And you remind me in many ways of her, my dear.
00:47:54Well, uh, is your wife still subject to such spells?
00:47:57She has been dead for 22 years.
00:48:01Well, my dear, by now the sheriff may have good news for you.
00:48:12The sheriff's office, please.
00:48:25This is Dr. Marlowe.
00:48:28Is there any report on the son of the girl?
00:48:31No sign of her yet?
00:48:34Have you checked with the neighboring towns?
00:48:38No, the Bentons haven't heard.
00:48:40Miss Benton and her fiancé are here.
00:48:42Please, keep me advised as soon as you hear anything.
00:48:46Oh, certainly, I'm very worried too.
00:48:48Thank you. Goodbye.
00:48:55I'm afraid the sheriff has no news.
00:48:58Ralph, this is terrible.
00:49:00Take it easy, honey.
00:49:02Now, now, my dear.
00:49:04I'm sure everything will be all right.
00:49:06She may be picked up on the road as before.
00:49:09I hope so.
00:49:11We'd better get back.
00:49:12Yes, let's do.
00:49:25And please let me know the minute you hear anything.
00:49:27Yes, we will.
00:49:28Don't worry, my dear.
00:49:30Goodbye, doctor.
00:49:32Goodbye, doctor.
00:49:36Ralph, what do you make of...
00:49:38Let's go someplace where we can talk this over.
00:49:50She may be the perfect affinity.
00:49:56Let's go.
00:50:09Nicholas, come immediately.
00:50:12You're going to make another experiment.
00:50:15You know, this is screwier than anything I've ever written.
00:50:18And I've written some screwy ones, believe me.
00:50:20Why do you suppose Dr. Marlow told us
00:50:22his wife had been dead so many years?
00:50:24She's alive to me.
00:50:25Me, too.
00:50:27And did you notice she was wearing the same kind of dress Stella had on?
00:50:30Yeah, and she had the same glassy look in her eye, too.
00:50:32Gave me the creeps.
00:50:51What's the matter, honey?
00:50:53I don't know.
00:50:54I feel strange.
00:50:55Don't blame me after all this hocus-pocus.
00:50:57You want me to get you something?
00:50:59No, I'll be all right.
00:51:00I think I'll call the sheriff and tell him what we've seen.
00:51:03Are you sure you're all right?
00:51:04I'm all right.
00:51:05I'll just be a minute.
00:51:23Give me the sheriff's office, please.
00:51:53She's dead.
00:52:09Well, she looked exactly like the picture.
00:52:11Of course I saw with my own eyes.
00:52:13So did Betty.
00:52:14And she was wearing the same kind of a dress
00:52:16that Stella was wearing when you found her.
00:52:19Is that so?
00:52:21All right, I'll be right over.
00:52:23Okay, Sheriff, I'd like to go with you.
00:52:25All right, Betty, now I'll be right over.
00:52:30Come on, Elmer.
00:52:31Oh, gee, Sheriff.
00:52:33Come on.
00:52:34Well, the first thing I know,
00:52:35I won't have an old lady.
00:53:20Oh miss, did you see where the young lady went
00:53:21that I was sitting with?
00:53:22Well yes, she went out.
00:53:25Oh, thank you.
00:53:32Speak you another song, but you don't know how I feel.
00:53:36Oh, but I'll just go back to you.
00:53:40I'll go back to you, I'll go back to you.
00:53:47Did you see a blue rooster that was parked there?
00:53:49You mean with that good looking blonde girl in it?
00:53:52Yeah, she just drove off down the street there.
00:53:53I thought she was in a daze or something.
00:53:56You thought she was in a daze?
00:53:57Listen pal, I gotta find her. Will you help me out?
00:54:11Oh, but he...
00:54:13She's almost here.
00:54:33Go, meet her.
00:54:46You beat her quick, quick.
00:55:27She's a pretty one, isn't she?
00:55:29She's pretty as born yet.
00:55:37Master, she's here.
00:55:42This one will be successful.
00:55:44Bring the zombies.
00:55:45Yes, master.
00:56:09Betty! Betty!
00:56:12Come on.
00:56:13Oh, come on.
00:56:15That's it.
00:56:17The master wants to see you.
00:56:19Listen, get to a phone and tell the sheriff
00:56:21to get to Marlo's house as fast as he can.
00:56:23Dr. Marlo, you got that?
00:56:56Hurry up.
00:56:57Hurry up, please.
00:57:06Right here.
00:57:08You go up there.
00:57:13We're all here, master.
00:57:47Emotion to emotion.
00:58:02Mind to mind.
00:58:13Mind to mind.
00:58:29I wonder what it's all about.
00:58:31Come on.
00:58:40Soul from body to body.
00:58:49Soul from body to body.
00:58:56Ah, so yeah.
00:58:59I guess we'll have to break in.
00:59:00I reckon so, sheriff.
00:59:14I hate to death.
00:59:21I think it's down there.
00:59:32Life to death.
00:59:51Oh, no.
00:59:57What's going on here?
00:59:59Stand back.
01:00:12All right, get over there.
01:00:23Evelyn, my darling.
01:00:26Where are you?
01:00:33we will be together.
01:00:41Betty, honey.
01:00:44So good.
01:00:55Oh, honey.
01:00:56Oh, Ralph.
01:00:57Say, what kind of a wedding is this, anyway?
01:01:02Where did I get this outfit?
01:01:04What is this, one of your Hollywood gags?
01:01:07No, but it gives me a good idea.
01:01:09Come on, let's get out of here.
01:01:10Well, that's the last time I'll ever pick anybody up
01:01:12on the road, gasoline or not.
01:01:14There you are, boss.
01:01:15There's your horror story.
01:01:19The voodoo man, eh?
01:01:22Is it any good?
01:01:24Well, I don't know about that,
01:01:25but don't tell me it couldn't happen because it did.
01:01:27Didn't it, honey?
01:01:28It certainly did.
01:01:29And another thing, I'm starting my vacation right now.
01:01:31See you in two weeks.
01:01:32Come on, honey.
01:01:34Who do you see play the part of the voodoo man?
01:01:37Say, why don't you try to get that actor, Bela Lugosi?
01:01:39It's right up his alley.
01:01:41Why don't you try to get that actor, Bela Lugosi?
01:01:44It's right up his alley.
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