Bronze selfie statue sparks controversy in Texas city

  • 8 years ago
SUGARLAND, TEXAS — In this day and age of smartphones, selfie sticks and vanity, a statue depicting two teens mid-selfie is perhaps the most relevant installation for this generation.

The city of Sugarland in Texas might have thought so, since that’s exactly the kind of statue that was recently erected on a public square near city hall. ABC News reports that the bronze installation shows two girls in skinny jeans, knee-high boots, a scarf, and a jacket leaning in as one raises a cellphone high in the air to take a selfie.

Some people were amused by the display and happily posed with the statue — basically celebrating the selfie by being very meta.

Not everyone was thrilled, though. Some residents were angered by the statue, calling it a monument to narcissism and a waste of taxpayers’ money.

In response, the Sugarland Parks and Recreation Advisory Board said through a press release published on their website that the statue was donated by a resident, and part of a 10-piece collection that depicts common activities in plazas and parks. Its less offensive brother shows a man sitting by a fountain playing a guitar.
