• 9 years ago
This pony is not your average small horse! After losing her home in Hurricane Katrina, Molly has found her happiness in inspiring everyone around her. After a being attacked by a dog, Molly was left with only 3 legs. She was going to be put down but her adoptive owners, Kaye and Glenn Harris, saved her by choosing to amputate her leg. Losing Molly just wasn’t an option. Her fighting spirit led her owners to believe she would not only be the perfect candidate for a prosthetic leg but that she would excel afterwards! She was fitted for her prosthesis by Dwayne Mara of Bayou Orthotics and Prosthetic Center. Just like humans, Molly has stump changes and needs a new prosthesis from time to time. But that does not stop her from doing what she does best, inspiring people!
Molly spreads hope, love, cheer and courage to those who need it. She spreads her fighting spirit by visiting schools, nursing homes, cancer camps, Ronald McDonald House, Children’s Hospitals, No Barriers Festival, and Walter Reed Medical Center… just to name a few! Molly is truly amazing and was born to inspire others! Her family has started a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of raising money to fund her health costs

To learn more about Molly, or donate money to her cause, visit their website and Facebook page.

This inspiring video was produced by Lucia Nazzaro, shot by Andrew Guillory and edited by Andrew Osborne. To see more amazing animals, go to our YouTube page!
