• 9 years ago
OSHO: Bringing Up Children (Preview)

OSHO International Foundation -- http://www.osho.com.

The full video of 144 minutes is now available for rental at http://www.YouTube/store in the US (other countries will follow)

Osho, a contemporary mystic speaks on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human condition, whether the mind, the heart, love or awareness is exposed with humor and insight, as never before.

In this talk, 'Bringing up Children', Osho with his singular perspective, points out, amongst his other insights, that the first seven years have a determinant and powerful significance on a child's growth;that with total support and freedom for each child's nature, whatever that may, that child will flower. For Osho, true education consists in giving absolute freedom to each child; simply supporting our children to develop their natural talents and unique gifts.

"Your concern should be to take away all the dangers, but not to interfere with the child; let them go their own way."

This video is available for translation as part of the 'OSHO TALKS Video Translation Project'.
Join the project as a translator at: http://www.oshotalks.info
