• il y a 8 ans
being gay, to copulate, copulate,
braying, to desire, desire,
buggering, to ejaculate, ejaculate,
coming, to be gay, be gay,
conceiving, to bray, bray,
fondling, to bugger, bugger,
jerking off, to come, come ,
screaming, to conceive, conceive,
wanking, to turn on, turn on ,
copulating, to excite, excite,
desiring, to fornicate, fornicate,
ejaculating, to fuck, fuck,
exciter , to get aroused, get aroused,
exciting, to fondle, fondle,
fornicating, to get excited, get excited,
fucking, to get off, get off,
getting aroused, to go to bed, go to bed,
getting excited, to have an erection, have an erection,
getting off, to have an orgasm, have an orgasm,
going to bed, to howl, howl,
having an erection, to inflame, inflame,
having an orgasm, to lay somebody down, lay somebody down,
howling, to lick, lick,
inflaming, to lie down, lie down,
laying somebody down, to jerk off, jerk off,
licking, to make something last, make something last,
lying down, to make a baby, make a baby,
making something last, To make love, make a love,
making a baby, to masturbate, masturbate,
Making love, to mate, mate,
masturbating, to neigh, neigh,
mating, to play with yourself, play with yourself,
neighing, to screw, screw,
playing with yourself, to shag, shag,
screwing, to sleep together, sleep together,
shagging, to scream, scream,
sleeping together, to sodomise, sodomise,
sodomising, to squeal, squeal,
squealing, to straddle, straddle,
straddling, to suck, suck,
sucking, to titillate, titillate,
titillating, to touch yourself, touch yourself,
touching yourself, to wank, wank,

