• 17 years ago
Video summary of the ALDE Workshop "Right to Access the Digital Environment - Issue of paramount importance"

Event date: 20/09/07 15:00 to 18:30
Location: Room ASP A1E1, European Parliament, Brussels

The aim of the workshop is to provide comprehensive information regarding the development of e-commerce as an activity for small and medium business operators, options for tackling fragmentation of the market in a digital environment taking into consideration the need for reinforcement of consumer rights.

In particular the workshop throws light to the legal aspect of the cross-border e-commerce within the EU including protection of personal data, consumer rights and intellectual property as well as to the incorporation of interested parties in future steps for designing standards for tackling the differences between the laws of the MS.

The context of the event is the Review of the Consumer Acquis and the Community legislation in the area of the development of the information society. The expected results and follow-up are: information projects to raise the awareness of SMEs of their obligations when providing goods, services or other in the digital environment; pool of experts to exchange best practice, ideas for legislative and non-legislative measures for enhancing consumer confidence in the digital environment as well as early-warning system to counteract the fraudulent behaviour ; contribution to a European guide of user’s rights in the information society (including vulnerable users as disabled persons). Video summary of the ALDE Workshop "Right to Access the Digital Environment - Issue of paramount importance"

MEP's Concerned:
Mariela Velichkova Baeva

For more information:
Sauerteig Karin - Tel: +32 2 283 21 89

On ALDE Website:

[ALDEEVENTS] [Events] [Workshop] [Language EN]


