A Powerful LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Experience

  • 8 years ago
Earlier this week I visited the Floyd County YMCA with my LIVESTRONG teammate Polly Jenkins and our partners at Eli Lily to see a YMCA program in action and to discuss our partnership. I have always heard great things about the LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program, but I left this site visit with a whole new and fresh perspective. In short, I was blown away. I wish I could have videoed this whole experience, or even better, brought you all with me. One thing is for sure – LIVESTRONG at the YMCA isn’t just an exercise program – it is helping people return to LIFE after cancer. It’s just as much about the rebuilding spirit and the soul, as it is about the rebuilding the body.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1WjXVO5

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