Main opposition party selects new floor leader ahead of 20th National Assembly

  • 8 years ago
Korea's main political parties are busy preparing for the start of the 20th National Assembly.
With the main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea selecting its floor leader on Wednesday,... all three sides are now ready for the coming parliament.
Shin Se-min reports.
Political parties scramble their ways to finalize their groundwork before the 20th National Assembly takes off on May 30th.
Ruling Saenuri Party's new floor leader had already begun its political action on his first day on Wednesday,... sitting down with the National Assembly speaker and opposition party leaders.
Stressing that the April's parliamentary election was a clear reminder of the public's will to have the ruling camp cooperate with the opposition parties,… Saenuri Party's floor leader Chung Jin-suk promised to closely communicate with his opposition counterparts and handle parliamentary matters.

"I vowed to our newly-elected lawmakers that I will achieve cooperation and innovation in the party. I understand this is the will of the public."

On the other side of the aisle,… the main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea elected its new floor leader.
Third term lawmaker Woo Sang-ho has been chosen as the floor leader of the Minjoo party,… which will be the largest political camp in the next parliament.
The newly named leader first entered politics in 2000 under the late President Kim Dae-jung, and also has a record of participating in student's movements during the 1980s.

"Our party will work to regain the trust from the people and eventually succeed in changing the government in the coming presidential election.

The newly elected floor leader promised to make sure the general public understands the changes and difference the party wants to make in domestic politics.

"The 20th National Assembly is shaping up,… with all floor leadership positions of the three major political parties being filled. But it looks like there will be some intense negotiations in the upcoming days,… especially when


