• 9 years ago
how to listen to iPhone in older car stereo


- Pairs very easily with the phone. As soon as I start the car, the device sends an audible beep through the car speakers within about 10-15 seconds to let me know that it has paired with the my iPhone.
- Call quality : If you're using the line out port, call quality is great. I've called several people, some of whom I told that I was using a hands-free device, and they said that they could hear me just fine. Some, I didn't, and they never asked me to repeat what I said, so I assume they could hear me OK. I have to raise my voice a little, but its only very little, so I'm OK with that. I am very satisfied with this aspect of the device.
- The line-out performance is very good.
- The play, forward, rewind buttons work very well. One minor thing I noticed is that after the phone pairs (indicated by an audible beep), pressing the play button immediately would not play the songs. I would have to wait a few seconds (