Immigrant Entrepreneurs Achieve The American Dream

  • 8 years ago
The American Dream is chased by everyone! These Immigrant Entrepreneurs achieved their dreams and share the stories on an inspirational podcast.

Kent Trabing is the founder of The Immigrant Entrepreneur Podcasts; and also the Magazine Editor for the Wharton Club of New York. Immigrant Entrepreneur are Podcasts that feature first and second generation immigrants who have come to this country with nothing and found great success. With few resources but great resourcefulness, they start over: 35% of Silicon Valley start-ups, 40% of Fortune 500 companies, 33% of VC back firms that go public, and 27% of new enterprises. Interviews delve into what they do, where they’ve been, who they are, and how they think. All the interviews are positive, inspiring and reflect hope and happiness!

Did you know companies like Google, Yahoo and Paypal were all started by Immigrant Entrepreneurs? Now you know! In fact, more than 40 percent of the Fortune 500 companies in 2010 were founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant.

Get inspired by the Podcast or learn more by visiting Immigrant Entrepreneur!

This video was shot/edited by Johnny Perez. To see more inspiring entrepreneurs, check out our HooplaHa YouTube page!
