• 9 years ago
因為youtube的關係,小弟有機會接觸tonyi ng的音樂,後來與他做了一個小訪問,方知道他原本是做記者出身,但太喜歡創作音樂孤獨上路尋夢學音樂,相信有夾band的樂迷都明白在香港發展音樂事業,根本是一場反主流的抗爭生活。

逆流而上,Tonyi Ng帶著個人風格的R&B融合了少少爵士樂元素,巡演過台灣與中國後,相信其音樂風格會愈趨成熟。

To know more about the Made in Hong Kong Music festival.

Tonyi Ng 小簡介:
伍棟賢 Tonyi NG 是一個獨立唱作人,於美國音樂學院 Musicians Institute 畢業,之後旅居台灣、廣州、北京等 城市發展。14 年六年中旬回到香港,以樂隊形式演出,以 R&B、Modern rock、Folk、pop 等原素組合成自己風格的音樂。他在 13 年 12 月以個人身份拿了全球華人詞曲大賽唱作組季軍。今年年中決定回港獨立發展,先在 6 月 27 與 28 在台北「河岸留言」及桃園 「ThERE café and live house」做了兩場「從滿是石頭的地方出發」個人音樂會兩場,並於 9月 28 日在香港 Full cup café 完成個人音樂會香港場。他的曲詞編唱都是獨立完成,呈現最屬於自己的訊息,演出時則交托信賴的夥伴。

Tonyi Ng is an independent singer-songwriter who graduated from the Musicians Institute in the US and stayed abroad in different cities like Taipei, Guangzhou and Beijing to develop his music career. His style is influenced by R&B, Modern Rock and Folk pop which shape his personal style. Recently he came back to Hong Kong as an independent artist and performed with his friends as a band. He did the personal showcase “Starting out from a place full of thorns” at Riverside Livehouse in Taipei and There café & live house in Taoyuan, Taiwan. On 28th Sept, he finished his performance at Fullcup café́ in Hong Kong. In his songs, the composing of music and lyrics is all done by himself which shows the very unique message of him.

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