Our Prophet (saas) decreed in the hadith “The antichrist (PKK) will deceive women and ignorant countrymen more easily”

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: Our mothers are good hearted, pure-minded people. PKK is manipulating them, suppressing them, threatening them. These people are not even remotely familiar with Stalinism. They perform their prayers five times a day. And PKK tell these pious people; "From now on, you are a Stalinist, a communist." So they are forced to say they are Stalinists, communists. These people read the Quran day and night. They give their praises to God. It is obvious that they are deceived. "The antichrist will deceive women and children more easily," says Our Prophet (saas) in the hadith. And this is exactly what the antichrist is doing right now. "Ignorant women and children" says Our Prophet (saas). Ignorant women; people who seldom read, and research, indeed. He manipulates, deceives such people easily. But he cannot deceive enlightened, well-read, rational people. While describing the antichrist, Our Prophet (saas) says "the antichrist won't be very know
