• 9 years ago
Lubi-Lubi is originaly a Waray folk song. This is the tagalog version of that song which is about the months of the year. I add some graphics to represent what we celebrate or what that month represents.\r
Enero / January - New Year\r
Pebrero / February - Valentines Day\r
Marso / March - Holy Week\r
Abril / April - Summer \r
Mayo / May - Flores de Mayo\r
Hunyo / June - Independence Day\r
Hulyo / July - Sandugo Festival\r
Agosto / August - National Heroes Day\r
Setyembre / September - Tuna Festival\r
Oktubre / October - Masskara Festival\r
Nobyembre / November - All Saints Day\r
Desyembre / December - Christmas


