• 9 年前
Descendants Mal & Evie Become Vampires when Bit by Real Vampire at Elsas Halloween Party\r
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Descendants Episode 36. Frozen Elsa and Anna are having a Halloween Party and the Descendants are invited. Kristoff comes in an Ant Man costume, then Descendants Evie comes dressed by Joy from Inside Out. Rapunzel brings the candy and Kristoff is too scared to go in the haunted house. Then the Vampire Hunters from the Hunger Games come by looking for vampires. Katniss, Peeta and Gale say that there have been reports of a vampire in the area, but Elsa and the rest havent seen any so they leave. Descendants Ben comes next dressed as Aladdin and Mal is dressed as her mom Maleficent. Mal and Evie both decide to go to the haunted house. Next comes a surprise visitor, Bella Swan from Twilight, who goes straight to the haunted house. Next thing you know, she comes back with fangs and blood. Now Mal and Evie come back, and they have turned into Vampires. Should Elsa and Anna call the Vampire Hunters on them?\r
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