Swaragini is an Indian television series airs on Colors TV The show is produced by Rashmi Sharma.The story revolves around the two step-sisters, Swara and .
Swaragini is an Indian television series airs on Colors TV The show is produced by Rashmi Sharma.The story revolves around the two step-sisters, Swara and .
Sanskaar took Swara on a date and made her dance on Shahrukh Khans Gerua and during this romantic dance, he proposed her for marriage. Catch this .
Swaragini: Wow! What a way of propose Sanskar ,Swara agrees in first time.
Swaragini is an Indian television series airs on Colors TV The show is produced by Rashmi Sharma.The story revolves around the two step-sisters, Swara and .
Sanskaar took Swara on a date and made her dance on Shahrukh Khans Gerua and during this romantic dance, he proposed her for marriage. Catch this .
Swaragini: Wow! What a way of propose Sanskar ,Swara agrees in first time.