Black Aggie - Haunted History of One of America's Most Mysterious Graveyard Monuments

Kaushik Biswas

by Kaushik Biswas

Thanks for watching....
A bronze statue located in Druid Ridge Cemetery (Just outside the city of Baltimore in Pikesville, Maryland) from 1925 to 1967.
"Black" because of its dark colour and ascribed malevolence.
Rumours and bizarre stories
Rumours began to circulate that Black Aggie’s shadow was the shadow of death itself.
The statue’s eyes would open and glow bright red when the hour struck midnight.
Anyone who met this fiery gaze would be stricken instantly blind.
On certain nights, the spirits of the dead will rise from their graves and gather around her.
Pregnant woman would miscarry.
Unmarried women would become pregnant.
People’s hearts would stop at the very site of her by moonlight.
Place a virgin in her arms and she will lose her virginity within 24 hours.
Legend has it that grass would not grow in the statue’s shadow.
If you say the name Black Aggie in the mirror three times in the dark at midnight, she will appear behind you and either stabs you, causes you to lose your mind or transports you to hell – or all three at the same time.
Others placed coins in Black Aggie's hand for luck.

One man who put his cigarette out in Black Aggie's hand was found dead a few years later, a victim of a gunshot to the head.
One morning in 1962, a watchman discovered that one of the angel's arms had been cut off during the night.
A sheet metal worker arrested. He told the judge that Black Aggie had cut off her own arm in a fit of grief and had given it to him. Apparently, the judge didn't believe him and the man went to jail.
One night, at the stroke of midnight, the cemetery watchman heard a scream in the darkness. When he reached the Angus grave, he found a young man lying dead at the foot of the statue.... he had died of fright.
After that one legend has it that if you sat in statue’s lap at night, she would wrap her arms around you and crush or stab you to death.

This story begins with a woman named Marian Hooper Adams. Her friends called her "Clover." Clover became a well-known socialite and amateur photographer.
She married a writer named Henry Adams in 1872, who was the grandson of President John Quincy Adams.
Clover's beloved father died in 1885 and she sank into a horrible depression. In December of 1885, she used potassium cyanide to commit suicide as she sat before the fire in her bedroom.
Sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens was an American sculpture originally from Ireland. Henry Adams asked Augustus to design the Adams Memorial at Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington, D.C.
The Adams Memorial, which was dubbed "Grief," is one of those creepy types of statuary featuring an androgynous figure draped in a cloak with vacant eyes in a seated position, its hand near its face.
Grief took four years to finish and was inspired by both figures of Buddha and the works of Michelangelo.
Part of story ends here but not The legend of Black Aggie.
It starts now………

General Felix Agnus was the publisher of the Baltimore "American." Felix Agnus was born in France in 1839. He fought and saw action in dozens of battles, including Big Bethel, Richmond, the Siege of Port Hudeson and the Battle of Gaines’ Mills.
In 1860, he moved to New York. He was wounded more than 12 times by both bullet and saber. His friend, writer H.L. Mencken later said that Angus “had so much lead in him that he rattled when he walked
Agnus spent time in Baltimore recovering from injuries where he met Annie Fulton, the daughter of the then publisher of the Baltimore "American." They married.
In 1905, Agnus began construction of a family monument in Druid Ridge Cemetery.
It was during this time that he purchased Black Aggie and then had a monument and pedestal created that would closely match the setting of the Adams Memorial in Washington.

She may be gone from Baltimore, but her legend lives on.
