• 8 years ago
Coordination in animals
Nervous Coordination
Elements of Nervous system
1. Neurons
The chief structural and functional units of the Nervous system are Neurons.
Types of Neurons.
1. The Sensory Neurons.
2. Associative Neurons.
3. Motor Neurons.
Structure of Neurons.
cell body
2. Receptors
They detect changes in the environment of the animal
Classification of Receptors
a) Chemoreceptor
b) Mechanoreceptor
c) Photoreceptor
d) Thermoreceptor
e) Nociceptor
3. Effectors
These are the structure which respond when they are stimulated by impulse coming via motor neuron
Nerve Impulse
it is a wave of electrochemical changes , which travel along the length of the neuron involving chemical reactions and movements of ions across the cell membrane .
Electric potential
Membrane Potential
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)
Coordination and Control
Chapter No.17
Part 2
