Soldiers' opinion about Iraq media coverage

  • 17 years ago
"I don't think the Media really cares about the soldiers, they care about their bottom line" ... "Most Americans know, at least the educated ones, that the media focuses on the negative because that's what sells." These are actual quotes from American veterans recently returned from Iraq featured in the hard hitting documentary, THE WAR WITHIN THE WAR, TALES FROM THE 222. The nature of any conflict whether fought on the shores of distant lands or in our own homes is such that it has the capacity to tear apart the human family; be they Muslim, Christian, or Agnostic. ollowing the members of the Triple Deuce as they leave home, fight the war, face the unseen enemy and finally return home, the film provides a palpable and almost visceral understanding of the soldier's experience. Each scene has a touchstone effect as diverse and intriguing as they are informative. Neither parochial or provincial in it's approach, THE WAR WITHIN THE WAR - TALES FROM THE 222 is thought provoking and revealing; part news piece, part euro-styled art film, it packs a surprise twist in the conclusion that will leave audience's everywhere astonished.