24 Hours With 5 Kids on a Busy Day

  • 8 years ago
We usually try to make the most of our Saturdays wiith the kids, but weekends also include chores. Here is our family on a Saturday. Enjoy the vlog! Please ...

First of all, I have to apologize for taking to long to finally publish this video, but our first 24 hour video grew faster than we had anticipated--definitely a good thing ...

I think this was one of my most favorite Halloweens so far with our family! We had a happy, fun-filled day!! Thanks for watching! Don't forget to give us a THUMBS ...

We were towards the end of a long road tour when we realized Valentine's Day was around the corner! We made it to Matt's parents' house just in time to ...

If only every day could be a day with no work, all play!! I think you all know we love our play time around here, so it's probably not a surprise that this 24 hour ...

When summer is hot, we get cool! Hope you enjoy our 24 hours on a hot day vlog! Thanks for watching! Don't forget to give us a THUMBS UP! Subscribe For The ...

A busy with a bunch of day can be hard to portray. On this day, the morning wasn't as crazy as our after school was. Alyssa had orchestra that overlapped with ...

Ever wondered what a day in our life is like? Here is a 24 hour period with our family condensed into 15 minutes--rainy day version. newest 24 hr vid: ...

Moving with young kids can be a bit hectic, even a little scary! Doors wide open all day where little ones can quietly escape is a horrifying thought! I think my kids ...

Have you wondered what it would be like to be stuck in a car with us for a day? It definitely takes some creative ideas to keep 5 kids entertained for a 2 month ...

A day in the life of Family Fun Pack, on a typical mid-week school day. As shown in the video, two of the kids attend school, while three are still too young so they ...

All 4 of our big kids are in school now! Let's just say that filming this video helped me keep it together while sending off two of my babies at once this year.

We took the kids to San Francisco!! This video is a vacation version of our 24 hour videos. It was such a great time! We saw a lot, but not all we wanted to see!

I woke up on the morning after we dropped Matt at the airport for a business trip conference he was attending and decided to film a 24 hour video. The day went ...

This is how our Christmas went this year: Stayed up "late" on Christmas Eve. As a result, we REALLY slept in--no early risers around here, that's for sure! I like to ...

24 Hours With 5 Kids on a Busy Day

24 Hours With 5 Kids on a Busy Day