Meet Agent Olive from Odd Squad. Find out her favourite part of the job and what kind of odd problems they have to deal with (exploding hiccups, getting caught .\r
Meet Agent Olive, whos also Agent Olives partner in Odd Squad. hes the latest recruit, so hes come across some really odd situations in his first few days!\r
Odd Squad villains Rock, Paper, Scissors Contest. Cookie Clown (Agent Olive) vs. Shape Shifter. Tags: Zero Effect, Bad Luck Bears, Soundcheck, Double .
Meet Agent Olive, whos also Agent Olives partner in Odd Squad. hes the latest recruit, so hes come across some really odd situations in his first few days!\r
Odd Squad villains Rock, Paper, Scissors Contest. Cookie Clown (Agent Olive) vs. Shape Shifter. Tags: Zero Effect, Bad Luck Bears, Soundcheck, Double .
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