• 16 years ago
We've heard the saying, "Ignorance is Bliss." Does that make the corollary true, "Intelligence is Bitter?" I know that there have been a zillion moments in my life when I've struggled with the enormous amount of non-sense that passes for normal. My #2 finds it incredibly confusing, and that often leads to criticism, harsh judgment, and just plain bitterness when a situation occurs over and over again.

In a nice turn of events though, we received a lovely note from a former colleague. We had parted ways on not such pleasant terms, in part due to our shared bitterness (a direct result of being smart people on some level.) The ultimate smartness I suppose though is to look deeper, and realize most things are more complex than they appear, and life happens in all kinds of strange ways with wonderful if seemingly non-linear results. So this episode is dedicated to her.

Hawaiian Word:
Muʻemuʻe: bitter, bitter taste


