Cuckoo Cuckoo - Nursery Rhyme with Karaoke

  • 8 yıl önce
Alright, now get your notebook and pen, write down what this cuckoo does April - July! What an organized bird! Cuckoo-Cuckoo! Get our iOS Apps: .\r
The cuckoos calendar is pre-booked for concerts. Here is a rhyme that gives you a sneak-peak of her concert schedules and seasons! Makes it easier for you .\r
The cuckoo keeps coming out of the clock and showing you the time! Enjoy the cuckoo song. great for kids. (children song - cuckoo clock)\r
The Cuckoo is very clear about where shes going to be each part of the year. She flies away to places that are bright and sunny. Thats what goes with her .
