Documentary (2010) 80 minutes ~ Color The Seekers Guide to Harry Potter (2010)
The Seekers Guide to Harry Potter takes you on a journey and exploration into the underlying themes of J.K Rowling's fantastically successful Harry Potter series. Drawing from her unique background and personal experiences, the author provides original insights into the mysticism, magic and symbolism within the world of Harry Potter. Dr. Geo Trevarthen is an academic who has painstakingly researched the Harry Potter craze. She goes far beyond the normal criteria and steps into a world of real magic and its shamanic past. In doing so she reveals the origins of many of the elements found within the novels and films. Join us in this fascinating and beautifully crafted film as we journey into a world full of mystery and wonder.
Director: Philip Gardiner
Writer: Geo Athena Trevarthen
Stars: Geo Athena Trevarthen
The Seekers Guide to Harry Potter takes you on a journey and exploration into the underlying themes of J.K Rowling's fantastically successful Harry Potter series. Drawing from her unique background and personal experiences, the author provides original insights into the mysticism, magic and symbolism within the world of Harry Potter. Dr. Geo Trevarthen is an academic who has painstakingly researched the Harry Potter craze. She goes far beyond the normal criteria and steps into a world of real magic and its shamanic past. In doing so she reveals the origins of many of the elements found within the novels and films. Join us in this fascinating and beautifully crafted film as we journey into a world full of mystery and wonder.
Director: Philip Gardiner
Writer: Geo Athena Trevarthen
Stars: Geo Athena Trevarthen
Short filmTranscript
00:30Trevarfen and I'm a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Edinburgh and I
00:34also come from what the novels would call an old wizarding family in that my
00:39family preserved a lot of Scottish and Irish magical and spiritual traditions
00:42and so I grew up doing those kinds of practices and then I went on to do
00:47research in those areas on shamanism and Celtic cultures at the University of
00:51Edinburgh. Shamanism is an ancient body of techniques for bringing the self into
00:56an experience of contact with the sacred or with the spiritual or magical aspect
01:00of reality and they're very ancient techniques that are common to pretty
01:04much all cultures but people have lost touch with them in the modern day.
01:11The Seeker's Guide to Harry Potter explores different layers of meaning in
01:16the Harry Potter novels and I wrote it largely to explain to myself why I kept
01:20rereading the books and re-watching the films and what I found was that there
01:24were lots of layers of meaning, spiritual, alchemical, magical, psychological that
01:29both explain some of the things about the novels and also explored the
01:35different layers of meanings and mystery and magic within our own lives.