Watch the video The Tiger Shroff – Shraddha Kapoor starrer has been in the news for a while, especially after the duo revealed their looks from the film on social media. The tagline of this film is ‘Rebels in Love’ and it excites their fans like no other film! From the very look of the trailer it seems like Tiger and Shraddha are all set to fight for their love.A villain is a must for every love story to work out and Baaghi is no different. Telugu star Sudheer Babu plays the baddie in the film. We’re sure there’ll be some action-packed scenes between Shroff and Babu. Tiger Shroff‘s debut film Heropanti was produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by Sabbir Khan. The trio is back with Baaghi, and this is the third film that Sabbir has helmed for Nadiadwala’s banner