Documentary Warning to Trump - How Government and Media STOLE the Election of Ron Paul

  • 8 years ago
A fine documentary retrospective detailing how the 2012 primary (and hence the election overall) was blatantly and criminally stolen. All objective indications and legitimate polls clearly showed Ron Paul winning by a huge margin. Instead, we got Obomney as the illegitimate product of a corrupt primary process, who made normal voters stay home, and paved the way for massive wholesale vote fraud. Who were the agencies behind all this? How did they pull it off? Will they get away with it next time?

Other Related Titles:

2012 Iowa Voting FRAUD ALERT by Jim Condit

Ron Paul Supporters Question Maine Caucuses Results 2012

Police Used To Keep Ron Paul Supporters From Documenting Voter Fraud In Missouri
Video Proof Ron Paul was Blatantly Cheated at Georgia Caucus Vote

Ron Paul Wins U.S. Virgin Islands Caucus - Prostituted Media Alter Results

Stolen Election 2012 - Theft of the Iowa Caucus - Killing Democracy 123

Stolen Election 2012 - Theft of the Iowa Caucus - Romney "Wins", but Not by Vote

Stolen Election 2012 - Theft of the Iowa Caucus - Reports from the Underground

Stolen Election 2012 - Theft of the Iowa Caucus - Secret Switcheroo

The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul - Christopher Bollyn
Bilderberg Group Wants Ron Paul (And His Supporters) Dead

Documenting the 2012 Election Fraud - A Series on How the USA is Hijacked Again
