Pokemon X and Y All male clothes and all styles [Funky, stylish, colorful, normal]
Click here for a list of all the clothes While everyone is trying to get perfect IVs and shinnies, Im.. clothes shopping .
This is a video of Pokemon Y for the Nintendo 3DS. In this video I am showing you how to become fashionable with a female character. This video also includes .
ORAS TOMORROW! Will be uploading at 12AM AEST!! Oº°¨ Twitch Channel ¨°ºO Oº°¨ Main Channel ¨°ºO .
This is a video of Pokemon Y for the Nintendo 3DS. In this video I am showing you how to become fashionable with a female character. This video also includes .
ORAS TOMORROW! Will be uploading at 12AM AEST!! Oº°¨ Twitch Channel ¨°ºO Oº°¨ Main Channel ¨°ºO .
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