• il y a 8 ans
19 hours well spent!\r
This is sort of a medley version of MeGaLoVania with songs from a bunch of the things I like. I know I missed some big ones probably but MAN that was a lot of work!\r
EDIT: Since people really wanted a list of all of them I now have them all listed!\r
EDIT EDIT: Now that its gotten enough popularity I am no longer worried that someone will try to steal it as theirs. So feel free to use it in whatever you want! The only thing I am still against is people who just reupload the song without any content added. Stop leaching off of other peoples hard work and make your own damn content. UGH. But yeah Cosplay compilations, PMVs, AMVs, speedpaints, etc, all that stuff is okay! Just as long as you added your own content to it, were cool! Also please credit, seriously. Unless of coarse you DONT want a sequel.\r
The most noticeable ones are: \r
Undertale (Obviously)\r
Homestuck (Also Obvious)\r
Gravity Falls\r
Super Smash Bros.\r
Star Vs. the Forces of Evil\r
Steven Universe\r
And Adventure Time\r
The more subtle ones are:\r
Doctor Who\r
Five Nights At Freddys\r
The Amazing World of Gumball\r
And Homestuck again (Sburban Jungle)\r
Download Mp3 Link:!3NhVxCTQ!DU3_Kg5KhgWyJZxdyPXbn­Dk1bYLZSVODY6ymyg7x9_8\r