• 9 years ago
Liu Fei amazing man he let his snakes from entering the nose and mouth exposed. Entertainer Liu Fei is very popular in his little place ...

Got this wild caught female about a week ago, she has no longer been rubbing since she came into my care, very happy to see she her nose is looking a lot ...

The 29-year-old woman, Ms Jin Jing, was bit on her nose on January 9 and treated at Phuket International Hospital before being released to recover at her hotel.

Liu Fei, 52-year-old man from Jiangxi Province, China, puts nearly meter long cauliflower snakes into his mouth and nose.

Dangerous or harmless? On the list of things they are likely to come across on the trek...snakes are definitely on the list!

This undated video shows 43-year-old performer Li Fei using his nose and mouth to do crazy things with snakes. According to news reports, Li was born and ...

Herping @ "Seven Lakes State Park" for the "Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake". We hiked and searched for HOURS and found NOTHING! Then I ran into this ...

Snakes Cambodia.

Snake bites my nose; I'll show you some massive snakes in this weeks show along with a little love bite to the tip of my nose by a Python. All in a days work ...

We did this as a children but we did it only with chains.

Keyword-wacky -bizarre Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 23 April, 2007 1. Various of C. Manoharan 'Snake' Manu inserting two snakes into his nostrils 2. Close of Manu's ...

So some wanted me to do a video on booping my snakes nose. And here you are X3.

Her nose is getting much much better, she has a lot more spunk in her now, I wish i would of captured her standing up and hissing at me it was pretty awesome.

SUBSCRIBE: A Pakistani snake charmer is wowing crowds by putting live snakes through his nose and taking them out from his mouth.

Snakes in the nose

Snakes in the nose


