Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 10 Review 東京喰種:re - SAIKO = SAIKYO HYPE

  • 8 yıl önce
YEŞ the last quincke sqaud memeber finally makes her appearance. SAIKO IS AMAZING I LOVE HER SOO MUCH HANDS DOWN FAVORITE QUINCKE (Sasaki not included in this) - Love Shirazu and Mitsuki is awesome too but SAIKO IS NUMBER ONE FOR SURE - Urie still scheming \r
Sasaki cant hold back those tears - Renjis response was awesome cant wait to get some actual dialogue from him and Touka\r
SUZUYA JUUZO MY SON - CANT WAIT FOR YOR APPEARANCE - deserves his vengeance against that fiend nutcracker\r
now that the Gorumet Club is back does Tsukiyama have a hand in it?\r
Still Waiting on more Aogiri exposition (New Rankings, Takatsuki & Kanous experiments AKA AMON) - That Pierrot Greatness (UTA!!) and of course Tsukiyama and my dude HİIDDDDEEEEEE\r
Great Chapter \r