Sindy Skinless sings O Zombie Boy (2016) for St. Patrick's Day.

  • 8 years ago
Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, here's the first 2016 release for Sindy Skinless and the Decomposers! Set with a backdrop of the famous Ross Errilly Friary founded in 1351 ( Sindy and the gang parody an old Irish classic. Today we make available our parody of 'O Danny Boy' that we call, 'O Zombie Boy'. Another stellar performance by lead vocalist Laura Williams. Chip Harris does the jokes and gives voice and personality to Mr. Head, and Anne Robertson ( wrote the lyrics for this one. Composer and musician Brandon Fiechter allowed us to use his enchanting celtic tune, 'Will-O'-Wisps opens and closes our video. You can purchase Will-O'-Wisps and any of his other numerous compositions on bandcamp, amazon, spotify, or Please visit him on facebook (

For those of you who like to sing along, the lyrics are embedded in the video, but I post them here as well:

O Zombie Boy, your flesh, your flesh is rotting
And from your bones it swings from side to side.
Your life is gone, your blood no longer clotting.
It’s you, it’s you that smells so I must hide.

Do not come back when summer’s in the meadow
Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow.
Head to your grave, since death has cast its shadow.
O Zombie Boy, O Zombie Boy, please go below.

But if you come and all the flow’rs are dying,
It is your smell that wilts them, field and tree.
Your rancid flesh is rank and horrifying,
Go to your grave and stop the killing spree.

Don’t let me hear your footsteps in the hallway;
Don’t let me smell your fetid corpse, I pray;
Don’t make me send the crows to eat your flesh away;
Leave us in peace, go to your grave, please go away.


