Watch in HD for best quality. This video is just my opinion so feel free to comment, rank or send a video response with your opinion. ___ Subscribe to my other .
Support This Channel! Patreon: Follow on Social Media: Instagram: @tylerharukascholtz Twitter: @harukascholtz MyAnimeList Profile: .
Note: Its fall season where I am soon because Im in the Southern Hemisphere. Spring means March-June Period 2016. AkiBento: (Be sure .
Just to clarify Winter 2016 refers to Winter in the Northern Hemisphere; (December 2015 - February 2016) Anime on Thumbnail: Shokugeki no Souma (The .
Support This Channel! Patreon: Follow on Social Media: Instagram: @tylerharukascholtz Twitter: @harukascholtz MyAnimeList Profile: .
Note: Its fall season where I am soon because Im in the Southern Hemisphere. Spring means March-June Period 2016. AkiBento: (Be sure .
Just to clarify Winter 2016 refers to Winter in the Northern Hemisphere; (December 2015 - February 2016) Anime on Thumbnail: Shokugeki no Souma (The .
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