• 9 years ago
Ever wonder how you should begin your next yoga session? Sequencing can be a challenge and sometimes you just need to do something new, because you feel like your sessions are getting a little stale. This video is an option for a yoga class opening.

The Beginning Of Yoga Class

The beginning of yoga class is the perfect time for students to transition from their busy lives. It is a time for them to focus on themselves and let go of their stresses and worries. As yoga teachers, we can help our students to make that transition. Here are some of the effective ways I know of to do that.

First, make sure to set the tone of the class. Begin by using soft lighting and make sure the room is a comfortable temperature. You may want to have some quiet music playing as well. Some teachers like to space at the front of the classroom. You could add flowers, banners, pictures, or candles. All these things create a relaxed, focused, comfortable environment to practice in.

Traditional yoga classes may open with a mantra, such as: “Aum.” However, the exact mantra used depends on the lineage of the teacher. The mantra used in Iyengar classes will be different from the one in Ashtanga classes. You can also choose your own mantra. Some teachers like to read poetry or something inspirational at the beginning of class. Whatever you choose to do, make it your own.

Many teachers like to open by focusing on the breath. Focusing on the breath gives our busy minds something simple to think about. Focusing on breathing techniques (pranayama) can be used not only in the beginning but also for the entire session. You may want to practice deepening the breath with Ujjayi breathing or ocean breath. I suggest that you guide your students through the process of breathing. Invite them to breathe deeply, inhaling light and energy and exhaling stress and tension.

You can also ask your students what they would like to get out of the class. Find out what their energy level is and what they would like to focus on that day. Maybe they have had an especially stressful week and would enjoy more relaxing forms of yoga. See if they would like to focus on hip openers, core strengthening or balance work. You will have more connection with your students and be able to structure the class to suit their needs.

There are many ways to begin a yoga class. You can use some or all these suggestions. The most important thing is to do what feels most like you. Share your love for yoga so your students will come to love it too

Website: http://www.aurawellnesscenter.com

Music Source : AudioBlocks
