Requested by: William Mayo VGCP OWN TPNG SFTB MP\r
Heres the order: \r
FBI Warning (2001-2005)\r
Behind the scenes of Princess and the pie war\r
The Complete Silly Song Countdown trailer\r
A Snoodles tale trailer\r
Stayed tuned for more after our Feature Presentation logo bumper (2003-2005)\r
Note: I dont put in the theme songs because Id get copyright strike so I dont usually add the credits cuz I can get blocked but I only do it on Blues Clues tapes 1998-2000.
Requested by: William Mayo VGCP OWN TPNG SFTB MP\r
Heres the order: \r
FBI Warning (2001-2005)\r
Behind the scenes of Princess and the pie war\r
The Complete Silly Song Countdown trailer\r
A Snoodles tale trailer\r
Stayed tuned for more after our Feature Presentation logo bumper (2003-2005)\r
Note: I dont put in the theme songs because Id get copyright strike so I dont usually add the credits cuz I can get blocked but I only do it on Blues Clues tapes 1998-2000.
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