• 9 years ago
All my life's a circle
Sunrise and sundown
The Moon rolls through the night-time
Till the daybreak comes around
All my life's a circle
But I can't tell you why?
The seasons spinning 'round again
The years keep rolling by

It seems like I've been here before
I can't remember when?
But, I've got this funny feeling
That I'll be back once again
There's no straight lines make up my life
And all my roads have bends
There's no clear cut beginnings
So far no dead ends


I've found you a thousand times
I guess you've done the same
But, then we lose each other
It's just like a children's game
And as I see you here again
The thought runs through my mind
Our love is like a circle
Let's go 'round one more time



Band: The New Seekers
Song: Circles
Genre: Ballad
Year: 1972
Language: English
Country: USA
