• 9 years ago
Variations on a theme «My analog world»
Variations on a theme «...with a film across Moscow»
Camera: Kodak S1100 XL + Lens: Ekton 35mm ƒ2,8
Film: FUJIFILM Fujicolor Superia 200 135/36 (expired: 2008)
Noritsu QSS-2901 Scanner.
Original, without any processing. In the mode «as is»
Author photo: Andrew Barhatov
Used music: Bossa Nova (V. Ganelin) – Symphony orchestra under the direction of Y. Silantyev
Editing in: iSkysoft Video Editor
All photos can be carefully considered in the album
— on Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHskoxDq2C
— or website Lomography: http://goo.gl/jnRz1a


