Zacatecas Magic Cultural City in America Travel and Knowit

  • hace 8 años
The capital of Zacatecas, "a city with stone face and silver heart" reigns over the plains swept by the wind. This legendary city is located platera four and half hours north of Guanajuato, and offers a real tour of the national history. With an altitude of two thousand 460 meters (it is the second highest city in the country), Zacatecas literally leave you breathless. Its architectural interest lies in its rich religious and civil buildings, which highlights its cathedral built between 1730 and 1760, it dominates the panorama of the historic center.

From its origins in the sixteenth century when it was an important mining center, Zacatecas was valued by its veins of silver and other minerals. On January 20, 1548, the pioneer Juan de Tolosa founded the city along with Diego de Ibarra, Cristobal de Onate and Balthasar Tremiño Banuelos. One of the largest mines is located in Fresnillo, also known as the Villa de Plateros, seated only 20 kilometers from the capital. At Christmas, this is the destination of pilgrims who come to give toys to the Holy Child of Atocha, protector of miners and a symbol of Zacatecas.

Some mines have been adapted to offer guided tours; one of them is Eden, which extends below the city in which you can see beautiful rock formations, mineral colors and old machinery used by the miners. The tour for this site also allows you to admire amazing aerial views from the cable car, which connects the city with the Cerro de la Bufa.

From the heights, the downtown streets resemble a mixture of lines and curves. Its avenues are dotted with old legends announcing alleys, alley sad as Indian. Feature local Xólotl here, sir Panuco, who was an obsessive love for Xúchitl, the late Princess chichimeca lived. Other famous zacatecanos alleys are Butter, Gallos, Merceditas, San Francisco, Santero, Mono Prieto, Tenorio and Slip.

Although it was already inhabited in ancient times, Zacatecas was officially founded in 1546 after the discovery of a rich silver deposit. The city reached the zenith of its prosperity between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the early seventeenth century, Zacatecas produced a fifth of the world's silver. In the late sixteenth century, several religious orders (Dominicans, Jesuits, Augustinians and Franciscans) built churches sponsored by the barons of silversmithing. Today, the zacatecano historic center is a conglomerate of sublime churches, abandoned convents and robust colonial architecture.

For centuries, Zacatecas was the northern frontier of New Spain. Religious crusades departed from this city to the hostile northern territory, which at that time included the present states of California, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Texas. The abundance of resources and its strategic position were used by armies in the nineteenth century. In full Mexican Revolution, Pancho Villa beat 12 thousand soldiers commanded by Victoriano Huerta in the famous battle of the "Taking of Zacatecas" 1914.

Many features distinguish Zacatecas from its colonial cities sisters. The first is its geographical position between two imposing mountains: Cerro de la Bufa and Cerro del Grillo. Zacatecas also has one of the most important collections of art, which comes from different parts of the world. In addition, here you coexist an eclectic mix of the finest museums in Mexico and green parks that offer stillness. If sightseeing adventure it is, the city offers two of the best experiences in the country: a journey through the bowels of an old mine and air travel on city streets aboard a cable car.