This weeks theme on SSG is Dance, which brings us to.Dance WARS! Lucy returns this week and her and Kaelyn battle it out in Dance WARS! Who will prevail? Kaelyn who hasnt danced in over 2 years and her dance skills are pretty rusty.dont judge, or will it be Lucy.*sigh* Lucy who is her usual difficult self.but whats new? Who will win Dance WARS? You decide!\r
That brings us to the shoutout question. I need you guys to determine the winner of Dance WARS. Is it Kaelyn or Lucy? Dont forget to comment down below for a chance of a shoutout!\r
See you guys next week! \r
Kaelyn ^o^
That brings us to the shoutout question. I need you guys to determine the winner of Dance WARS. Is it Kaelyn or Lucy? Dont forget to comment down below for a chance of a shoutout!\r
See you guys next week! \r
Kaelyn ^o^