• 9 years ago
Please feel free to post any questions you have about this anglo concertina lesson, or, Irish music in general in the comment box below. Well get back to you straight away.\r
Ernestines Concertina Skills course is aimed at the intermediate concertina player. There are six tunes examined throughout the thirteen-week course where concepts are demonstrated and developed in great detail. It provides learners with the ability to build on their technique, ornamentation, variation, phrasing and articulation. The tunes taught include a number of dance tunes and a slow air. The course will help learners develop skills on the concertina that are transferable to tunes already featuring in the learners repertoire and to any future tunes acquired.\r
Although aimed at the intermediate player, this course has much to offer the more experienced player also. Notation is provided as well as mp3s of the tune played slowly.\r
Importantly, the learner is given the tools to transfer these new acquired skills to tunes which they already have in their repertoire.\r
LEARN IRISH MUSIC ONLINE - Video based e-Learning system from some of Irelands top tutors and performers. Click the link above to create a free account and enjoy our series of free (sample) lessons or subscribe for full access and enjoy our ever expanding library of courses. We currently have over 200 Irish Music Lessons onsite, at your disposal now! \r
Learn Irish Whistle, Flute, Song, Fiddle, Bodhrán, Bouzouki or Concertina from the comfort of your own home, at a pace you are comfortable with, and at a time that suits you.\r
Creative Irish music tutorials from the Online Academy of Irish Music\r
Music played by our very own Thomas Johnston on Low Whistle, courtesy of Rhythms of Ireland dance show.


