Nota de Sir_Mac:: Este episodio fue dificil de completar debido al audio y video. Estamos usando fuentes de transmision checa, version rusa y version italiana.\r
Telenovela Manuela con Grecia Colmenares,Jorge Martínez y Gabriel Corrado. Más información sobre esta novela y sus protagonistas principales en: .\r
Teresa and Silvina are in café and discuss Teresas future wedding, marriage of Fernando and Isabel and Silvina tells Teresa the suspition, that Emilio is still in .\r
Bernarda tells Isabel, what needs to be done in the terms of hiding Isabels sterility. Bernarda also tries to vindicate all the bad things, which she is (and will) be .
Telenovela Manuela con Grecia Colmenares,Jorge Martínez y Gabriel Corrado. Más información sobre esta novela y sus protagonistas principales en: .\r
Teresa and Silvina are in café and discuss Teresas future wedding, marriage of Fernando and Isabel and Silvina tells Teresa the suspition, that Emilio is still in .\r
Bernarda tells Isabel, what needs to be done in the terms of hiding Isabels sterility. Bernarda also tries to vindicate all the bad things, which she is (and will) be .
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