Nevada caucus: Trump scores big win

  • 8 years ago
Donald Trump has won the Nevada Republican caucuses, expanding his dominance in the early GOP contests despite the well-organized campaigns of his two chief rivals: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.
"This is an amazing night," Trump said in his victory speech.
"We won the evangelicals," he said.
"We won with young.
With won with old.
We won with highly educated.
We won with poorly educated.
I love the poorly educated."
Trump, who has campaigned on a hard-line immigration platform including a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, is winning Latino caucusgoers in Nevada.
Entrance polls indicated Latinos made up 9% of the electorate and 44% of them planned to back Trump.
With 14% of the expected vote in, Trump was dominating the race with 45%.
Rubio was at 24.3% and Cruz was at 20.5%.
