• 9 years ago
SAN FRANCISCO — A former Yelp employee has come under fire online after she was cut loose by the company for writing an open letter to its CEO complaining about her life and wages.

Former customer service representative Talia Jane, 25, published the letter on Medium.com over the weekend and was promptly fired for violating Yelp's terms of conduct.

The letter addressed several complaints and grievances. Jane said she had a hard time affording her rent, paying to commute to work, and feeding herself. She even complained about the free snacks at work.

Netizens on both sides of the controversy spoke out, with some branding Jane an entitled millennial. However, many people agreed with her argument that wage slavery is unfair.

Someone even made a GoFundMe page to support Jane during her time of unemployment.

Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman responded to Jane's letter in a series of tweets. He acknowledged San Francisco's high cost of living but took no responsibility for her being let go.

Digging a little deeper into Jane's social media profile was telling. When considering how to become successful, she passed on working hard and being humble.

She also posted a message where she wished she was more popular online so people would send her money without her having to do anything. Looks like her wish has been granted!


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