En esta ocasion la banda de insectos toca la cancion Bambú.\r
Clap your hands and stomp your feet to the rhythm of the beat! Kids, toddlers and babies can watch and dance to the music of the Big Bugs Band. Subscribe .\r
Join Big Bugs Band on a journey to Brazil and dance the Samba! BabyTV is bringing you a spectacular 3D animation in which a group of bugs performs a variety .\r
Big Bugs Band - BabyTV A spectacular 3D animated programme in which a group of bugs performs a variety of unique musical pieces to an audience of fellow .
Clap your hands and stomp your feet to the rhythm of the beat! Kids, toddlers and babies can watch and dance to the music of the Big Bugs Band. Subscribe .\r
Join Big Bugs Band on a journey to Brazil and dance the Samba! BabyTV is bringing you a spectacular 3D animation in which a group of bugs performs a variety .\r
Big Bugs Band - BabyTV A spectacular 3D animated programme in which a group of bugs performs a variety of unique musical pieces to an audience of fellow .
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