I honestly cant handle the cuteness with this one. literally too cute for me to handle. Tiny Neko Lucina - Leafydubs Palutena - Manic WednesdayVA Original .\r
Read the Tale, Kiddos: Featuring Andrea the Hedgehog and Songhearts Channel as Pichu: .\r
Cant really blame her, theyre all just Marth clones anyway! Update: Dont worry Lyn, youll find them eventually. The Fire Emblem fandub continues in July!\r
this is a comic dub of the wonderful sonocomicss xenoblade comicals. more comic dubs like this are planned for the future. original comic here: .
Read the Tale, Kiddos: Featuring Andrea the Hedgehog and Songhearts Channel as Pichu: .\r
Cant really blame her, theyre all just Marth clones anyway! Update: Dont worry Lyn, youll find them eventually. The Fire Emblem fandub continues in July!\r
this is a comic dub of the wonderful sonocomicss xenoblade comicals. more comic dubs like this are planned for the future. original comic here: .
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