• 9 years ago
How To Fix "This Webpage is Not Available:Dns_Probe_Finished_NxDomain" In Google Chrome ?

Step 1: Press Window+R key on your Keyboard ,and then type "cmd" without quotes ,click on ok.

Step 2: Type "ipconfig /flushdns" without quotes ,and then press Enter on your Keyboard .

Step 3: Now ,Again Press Window+R key on your Keyboard ,and then type "ncpa.cpl" without quotes ,and then click on ok.

Step 4: Right click on Your Active Connection ,and then click on properties .

Step 5: Select Internet protocol version 4 ,and then click on properties

Step 6: Click on Use the following DNS Server Addresses .

In Preferred DNS Server Type this IP Address :

In Alternate DNS Server Type this IP Address:

and then click on Ok ,click on Close .

That's all

Thanks for watching,if you like this tutorial ,please like and share .


