PKK sends the Kurdish youth to war in Rojava by threat

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: A fellow Kurd from Southeast writes this; "Kurdish youth is trapped in a horrible web. PKK sends the youngsters who are involved in crime to Rojava by saying that they have no other escape. The youngsters who are being scared with political crimes by PKK are being sent to Rojava to fight against ISIS and most of them lose their lives. Then, the PKK uses the corpses of these youngsters for propaganda purposes. Their average age is between fifteen and twenty. They send the criminal youth who haven't been sent to Rojava to death by arming them and making them dig trenches."

Turkish government should wipe this army of microbes out as soon as possible. They should make a full-scale arrest. They should make amendments in the law to facilitate a wide scope confinement. The regulations on the KCK [Group of Communities in Kurdistan] members should be qualified again, so that its members are put under arrest once again.