"Hail Caesar" brings Roman holiday mood to Berlin Film Festival opening

  • 8 years ago
The 66th edition of the Berlin film festival has opened with the Cohen brother’s latest opus, “Hail Caesar” getting them rolling in the aisles.

Chairing a prizegiving jury for the first time is triple Oscar-winner Meryl Streep, but she was far from the only star in Berlin along with the Cohen’s cast and a bevy of German celebrities.

“Hail Caesar” looks like it is a rollercoaster comedy that packs in the laughs, so is it easy to be funny? Euronews caught up with the film’s star, George Clooney.

“One question, to be funny, what does it take, funny bones, you have to play the joke, what is the secret?”

“I think you just need good writing with good directors, don’t you? That’s usually the best way, then you can survive,” said the actor-director.

But comedy isn’t always a barrel of laughs, as we found out when meeting Tilda Swinton.

“How did you manage to keep a straight face when acting with George Clooney? What is the secret?”

“Stand by him for a long long time and the joke