• 8 years ago
If you are wondering why "fringe" candidates are at the top in the US political scene these two pundits spell it out (for the most part) quite accurately.

The sad part comes when the question is asked,
"how long with this will the public anger last?"

That kind of question so poignantly illustrates just how much the main stream media and elite

The anger THE PEOPLE feel is no longer something that the main stream political parties can dismiss with their empty political smiles and and their empty political promises which in fact are just (in most cases) flat out lies

THE PEOPLE are fed up.

"Why did New Hampshire voters reward Bernie Sanders so overwhelmingly over Hillary Clinton?"

Isn't that obvious to ANYONE in the media yet?

"There is a lot of unrest among voters"

Rightfully so.

"How long will candidates like Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump continue to ride the top."

Until the system is fixed or perhaps after one of those candidates actually gets in and make a mess of things.

"the partisan deadlock that prevents the country from moving forward"

Sadly the reality.

"The Trump Sanders vote is sending a message"

This message needed to be sent years ago.

"There is a backlash against the crazy amount of money that is poured into the political campaigns ."


The voters know they could never deliver on their promises.
Look at Sanders promises. they are completely unrealistic and could never be paid for."

"Voters are angry and upset about how politicians in Washington have been failing them so miserably over the past several decades"

"The voters know that the tradition parties can't / won't get it done"

Hillary Clinton (who is receiving BILLIONS from corporate donors) is on stage with people in her audience holding signs that say "fighting for us."

Within this "REALITY", the real question is....
Does anyone amongst the regular every day people really and truly believe the crap that Hillary is fighting for them?


They / we get it now. After decades of this crap the voters realize it's all a bunch of rhetoric designed to make you vote them in for 4 more years so they can yet again dance around the empty promises they have made.

Marj Halperin, Beau Phillips
